Weekend and jury service day 5.

Well, the weekend was nothing really special.

Saturday was taken up buying some new towels and an umbrella. Exciting, eh? Well, I also did the weekly shopping. I also got to watch “The Sky at Night” and spent the evening watching “Dirty Harry” on DVD.

Sunday was spent clearing up the spare room in preparation for Em and Jerry’s visit on Friday. I also tested that the new bed linen would fit the new sofa bed.. which it did.

The afternoon included watching the Grand Prix which was better than last year’s but probably only due to Ferrari’s ineptitude rather than the changes to the rules.

Late in the evening Alec dropped around to pick up a tape of Buffy & Angel from the Thursday he missed due to flying out to Denver. We had a good chat and mugs of tea. Well, on Alec’s part it was more of a whisper than a chat has he has a rather nasty case of larengitis.

Today has not been such an eventful day in court. We have almost got through to the end of the case for the prosecution. It was mostly statements being read and police officers giving evidence.

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