Christmas hols part 12

Well, it’s been the last day of 2006 and not a great deal happened. The telly was really bad and the weather was worse. Could that be a good summary of the year gone by? Hmm. Maybe not, at least the weather’s not been too bad.

This time last year I had my holiday in northern Norway to look forward to and my Nan was still alive. My Mum was a bit better than she is now as she could at least sit and have a bit of a conversation for more than a few seconds.

So, what does the new year have in store? Well, other than some financial re-organisation, there’s nothing planned. I imagine that next year will be just like last, except without the trip. My Mum will deteriate further and my Dad will probably have even less time to do the things he feels that he should be able to do. Globally, I can’t see much changing for the better there with the current (and probable future) encumbents in the political spheres.

That all sounds as if I think that next year is just full of bad things but that’s not the case. It’s more that I see the new year as merely an indifferent continuation of the last 15 billion (if you can really measure time before the Earth oribited the Sun in years). Just like the Universe itself, it’s not good nor bad, it just is.

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