Jury service day 10 + Weekend wackiness

Well, Friday was spent mostly waiting in a waiting room. Or at least it felt that way. In fact, due to the judge having other work to do we sat waiting ’til 12:45 before being called down to the court for a half hour stint before lunch.

The afternoon’s proceedings went on and on. It finally ended at about 4:30.

Of course, this meant that I had to rush back to the dept. to pick up my stuff and then cycle straight home to be ready for Em, Jerry and little Laura’s arrival. They arrived just before 6pm and this is when the enjoyable but exhausting weekend began.

The last couple of days have become a daze full of pretty happy, chattering toddler, walks in the sunshine and an evening with a full house containing not only a toddler but a group of adults and a 4 year old… Tom, Shona and little Tanaqui came around and visited… we had a lovely chinese takeaway buffet.

So, it’s Sunday, Em, Jerry and Laura have all gone, I’ve not done the washing up but other things have been cleared up and now Alec’s popped in..

A good weekend, I call it.

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